a rose is a rose is a rose

Roses‘ names can be very different. Speaking for myself, I judge on the roses by the name. I like the rose when I like its name. The name adds a certain flavour to the plants botanical features.

Sometimes the name of a rose mirrors these features, sometimes its the name of the cultivator and very often its just a name with a good vibe. Of course, history influenced the fashion of name giving as well as it changed the variety of roses. Sometimes, even the name changed in the decades, because common taste did not allow filthy names like „Cuisse de Nymphe émue“, which is also known today as „Maiden’s Blush“.

When working with roses in a huge garden, one important thing is to label them. Young roses, like babies, almost look the same for a non expert. Especially in autumn, when the blossoms are gone and the leaves fall off. At Kerusten more than 500 roses waited for their label. Here are some of them.
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label of rose treasure trovelabel of rose seven sistersetiquette rosie rouge de doulonetiquette rosie captain williamsetiquette rosie de Psychea very old rose Richardiilabel of rose de reshtetiquette rosie perle de weissensteinRosie Albertinelabel of rose Kew RamblerRose Gruss an Aachenla rosie Evangilinelabelling Centifolia Muscosiaetiquette rosie Alberie Barbier